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Meet the Owner


Hi there! I'm Miyuki, the founder of Let's Clean Indiana. Let me tell you a little about myself.

My name, Miyuki, means "Beautiful Snow" in Japanese, and I like to think that it reflects my unique background and journey. Born in Bolivia to a Filipino mother and Bolivian father, I grew up immersed in diverse cultures before moving to Virginia at the age of 16.

During high school, I worked at Let's Clean VA, where I learned the ins and outs of cleaning and running a company. Those years shaped me, instilling in me a strong work ethic and a passion for excellence.

After marrying my husband, we moved to Indiana to be closer to his family. Now, with a family of our own, including two fluffy dogs who bring so much joy to my life, I've decided to bring Let's Clean to Indiana. While our Indiana location may be new, it's backed by 12 years of Let's Clean's reputation and my own 6 years of experience in the industry.

Outside of work and family, you'll often find me hiking in nature, connecting with its beauty and serenity. I'm also a fan of fantasy and medieval TV shows, indulging in them whenever I have a moment to spare.

When it comes to food, I have a soft spot for Asian cuisine, and I'm passionate about holistic approaches to health and wellness.

I'm excited to bring Let's Clean's trusted service and dedication to Indiana, and I can't wait to serve you!

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